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tv   [untitled]    September 30, 2012 9:30pm-10:00pm PDT

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change their lives, which will also reduce crime and victimization. we have to create a way out. our public safety and community-based organization partnership will include a continuum of employment, education, housing, mental health services that will enable individuals to break the -- break free from violence and long-term seminal behavior disrupting the into generational cycle of crime. in response to the mayor's direction to immediately interrupt, we are working very closely with our criminal justice partners. in addition to that, we have opened an office in bayview to bring our staff closer to the population that they are here to serve. [applause] that office opened on august 1. in addition to that, through the support of the mayor and board, we will be completing evidence- based individualize risk and needs assessment of the cases that we are supervising an
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employee in the use of investment of over $4.7 million in the city's money that they have invested in the employment education, mental health, housing, and treatment. we have also created specialized caseloads for those high-risk transitional-age youth, including gender-responsive caseloads so we can meet the needs of our young men and women. in addition to that, we have an enhanced collaboration as a member of the gang task force in working with the department of public health crisis response services and also utilizing sanctions and reward given to us by realignment legislation, including the use of electronic monitoring technology. in addition to that, we will be opening a community assessment services center that will provide wraparound services, again providing opportunity to change their lives. education and service and skill development is key for long-term
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change. thank you. [applause] >> ok, i know it is getting hot in here. hang on. we only have 13 more speakers. just kidding. i would like to bring up one of our newest community partners. >> good morning, everyone. when we moved into this community, we wanted to have a space that will be designated for reaching our community and kids and how symbolic and fitting it is for us to be gathered here as we applaud our mayor and his administration for his engaging mannerism over the past several months, as myself and several members of our faith community have been the recipients of his encouragement, his open door, his open heart, and his open hands to listen to
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our voices as we have expressed the concerns of our community in and around safety and violence in the neighborhoods. our mayor has heard the voices of the community and of concerned citizens, and today, we stand in partnership with him and commitment to our mayor and to this great city that we will stand together for the futures of our youth are all the things that make for a positive and great city known as san francisco. we are here today to ensure that all the partners who stand to get our unified as one and in the spirit of the rev. jesse jackson, we want to make sure that san francisco for our youth and communities, we continue to keep hope alive. thank you. [applause] >> part of keeping hope alive is
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we have to provide an economic engine to get our young people back to work so they are able to take care of themselves and oftentimes their families. with that, i would like to introduce to you mr. eric mcdonald, the executive director of the united way. thank you. [applause] >> good morning again. welcome, everyone. we are excited and thrilled to be partners here with the mayor. what is clear is that while the unfortunate rise and peak of gun violence brings us to the room, it also gives us what we believe is an enormous opportunity. these spikes, ago, and what we have now is an opportunity to cast a vision. we know that without a vision, people perish. we can cast a vision and develop an action plan that is based upon mutual respect, mutual trust, and mutual accountability. the mayor and all of our city partners can create that plan
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were we will engage all sectors. we will engage residents. we will engage the private sector, creating work force and job development opportunities. we will engage our faith-based community who are already providing tremendous leadership, and we will make sure there is a coordinated, comprehensive plan that is sustained. there's a process that brings us to the end, and the city goes out. that is nobody's intention, and yet, it is the life cycle of the epidemic that confronts our community. today, we are saying we will commit ourselves to a sustained effort to insure we create a new vision, a new opportunity for our communities to thrive so that in the end, there is opportunity for our young people. opportunity for our adults, an opportunity for our communities to thrive. i would say that the opportunity we have requires that everyone who claims to love san francisco plays an active role in helping
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this plan sustain itself. it is not the city only. it is not the clergy only. it is not the non-profits only. not the private sector only. it is residents. it is everyone playing a role. i would challenge everyone -- what are you doing today to be part of the intervention, the interruption, and the opportunity for young people in particular to realize their potential? i believe today we can do it, and i am honor to stand with the mayor, the board of supervisors, and all of our city partners to make it happen. thank you so much. [applause] >> the next man i will bring up probably needs. -- very little introduction, but he is one of our community partners who has been helping us coordinate this conversation so it is not solely happening in isolated communities, so that we are talking to one another, and is a fantastic representative and my brother in the samoan community. >> thank you, supervisor cohen.
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first of all, i would like to thank the mayor and other city officials for all his encouragement, but i want to thank you all because you see it everyday. you're dealing with it every day. as the chief said earlier, we need them guns off the street. the people have the guns are bold. the incident that happened in alice griffith park, after they shot this man, they came back wanting to leave their mark the day before the funeral. that is bold. knowing that the police is a round, that is bold. we need to come together. let's make an effort to make sure that this is a safe city, a place we would all like to live in, and a place we want to see our kids continue to play. sometimes the kids cannot even go outside and play. i am assured the chief has got that on his mind and is going to make sure that will change. i am sure mr. alvarez has that
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on his mind. you heard the mayor -- it is going to change. let's get together, forget about yourself. it ain't about us. it is about them. you all ain't packing -- i hope not. you all are not committing crime after hours. i hope not. a lot of you seem a little old to do time. [laughter] i want to make sure everybody hears it, not only the people at the top, but all of us at the bottom are trying to make sure this thing works. without our kids, we have got no future. you can kid yourself all you want -- you have two contracts. when you are born, you're going to die. hopefully before you are gone, you have left a legacy of some people that can carry on and move it forward. that is what we're talking about, the future. we will probably all get to a point where we will say we will move or do something else, but those kids have still got to be here. san francisco still is a resident, family community.
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i want to see that it growing again. i want to thank the mayor, his staff, and the people that have been working with us. we made sure that we responded with them. so god bless everybody, and let's keep up the work. like the chief said, if you know somebody with a gun, you ain't got to turn it in. go to the public -- go to the pastor, the faith community, just turn it in. if you do not turn it and, somebody might use it. thank you. [applause] supervisor cohen: one of the critical part is that gets little attention is our media partners. oftentimes, your first on the scene to report a lot of information, and oftentimes, our narrative is a story of crime, destruction, hate, turmoil. we are looking to our media partners to remember that they are uplifting, positive, exciting stories that are happening, and we look to you to
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respond. please report the positive things. the kids that are going to college, the kids that are taking care of their business, buying homes, and that are absolutely working. this is definitely a two-way street, a partnership. i am reaching out to members of the public and members of the press to help us. we are standing as one as a community because all of our collective interest is tied together. i would like to introduce to you a man who will give us our youth perspective. many of us have spent our lives growing up and working in san francisco -- to put it frankly, this is just the future right here. i will leave it at that. thank you very much. [applause] >> hello. i would like to thank the
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sheriff, the police, and the puc for the opportunity to work at the garden project, and it is my third year. it helped me with a lot. it helped me pay bills with my mom and helped me continue going to school because it is hard. people need money to go to school and need money to pay bills to put food on the table. it is real hard. i have to help my mom out with the money i get. if i'm not working during the school year, i cannot help her out, and she has to borrow money from other people and pay them back, and that is a hassle. also, if she cannot make money, i would probably be on the streets selling drugs, robbing for myself to pay money in her pocket. i want to go to college and see what i can do in the future and have a future and -- i am
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nervous. i am sorry. this is my first time -- [applause] i am a college student. i am going to san francisco state university, and i am try ing to do nursing, because it is something i have been interested in since my brother got killed four years ago. that is what made me want to not be on the wrong path because i do not want to hurt and lose another child. that thank you. thank you very much. thank you, everyone. [applause] not only is he our future, but he is also a healer. with that, i just want to say thank you for your time today. we appreciate everything that you have done, and we are honored by your commitment.
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thank you. [applause] >> let me say something before you break. i am amos brown. as the mayor said -- could i have everyone's attention? could i have everyone's attention? i am president of the national association of advancement of colored people. for the naacp, colored comes in all colors, but there is one color in the rainbow that is almost diminished, and that is the black color. i want to thank the mayor or
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listening to those of us who've met with him to share our perspective on what we should do collectively and not in isolation to make sure we will not have another press conference to bemoan, complain, wine, cry -- whine, cry about this problem of violence. some do not like to hear this true statement, but the bible says ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. this community will never be free. we will never be liberated from this problem until all of our allies and our friends acknowledge that the epicenter
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of this problem comes from folk who look like me. i have presided over too many funerals. possibly more than any preacher in this town. persons who are not members of third baptist church. but we are gracious to let them have our facility, to accommodate them. i feel that we have something to shout about today. no stop and frisk. the mayor has said that. but the mentor of martin luther king said, "he or she who is behind in the race of life must run faster in order to catch up ." we do not have stop and frisk.
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in this city, we have to run faster to make sure there is not another death. we have to run fast, and make sure there are jobs. run fast to make sure there is education. run fast to make sure there is housing. run fast, so that we will love each other. this is what the naacp is committed to. a lot has been stated here. there was some great rhetoric, some terrific ideas and plans. but this is just like getting ready to drink a cup of coffee. you can have all of the cream, all of the coffee, all of the sugar, but, like maxwell house's slogan says, it will never be good until the last drop unless you stir it up, and you will be
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able to drink and say, "it is good until the last drop." the naacp will be starring you up to make sure that all we have said that is in this cup will be good to the last drop. >> thank you, reverend brown. think the mayor. think members of the press. thank you to the community and the board of supervisors. thank you for being here. god bless you. >> my name is richard carranza and i'm your superintendent and he couldn't be proud of all
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of you. [ applause ] we have some very, very special people who are here today who have invested a lot of time for us to have this opportunity to share this together. now i'm going to ask a couple of requests from you. first and foremost, if you have a cell phone, turn it off or put it on "vibrate." okay? turn it off or put it on "vibrate." the second thing i'm going to ask, i know how much fun it is to get on a bus and leave school, and go somewhere else and you are sitting next to your friends but this is where i'm going to get serious on you. we're coming together today and i said we're going to experience something together today. i mean that very seriously. we're going to experience a movie today that i think is going to touch each and every
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one of you. so as we prepare for what we're going to experience today, i'm going to ask you to please be very respectful of what you are about to experience and i want you to be very reflective and think about what does this have to do with me? how does this affect me and the people i have worked with or studied with or grown-up with? you have lot of adults here in the room today and if you feel like you have to talk to someone or step out, be sure to contact that adult and do what you need to do. but this is going to be an experience, folks, that is going to change all of our lives today. so i want us to experience it with that kind of respect, and that kind of reverence. so i really appreciate your cooperation. like i said, i couldn't be more proud of all of you. so with that, i want to introduce you to the united states attorney,
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who is melinda haig, who is going to say some words to you. thank you. [ applause ] >> wow. you guys really are happy to be out of school. so nice to see all of you, as richard said, good morning everyone. as richard said my name is melinda haigh, the united states attorney for the northern district of border to monterey and our office is just a couple of blocks away in san francisco. [ applause ] so we love it here. many of you probably don't know what the united states attorney is or what they do or anything like that, but i was nominated by president obama to be the united states attorney here two years ago. yes, my boss. [ applause ] and i'm honored to represent
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him, the president, the administration and the department of justice in northern california and in san francisco and in that capacity to welcome you here today to see this movie screening. there are 800 san francisco public high school students here today. so thank you for being here. [ applause ] it's really amazing. really amazing. there are 2400 of your classmates sitting in movie theaters around this city as we speak, all of you are watching the film this morning together. so we really appreciate it. we laid down a challenge to oakland. oakland has now pledged to screen the film between now and october 4th and we heard from san mateo county is now pledging to show the film to
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kids in san mateo county. so you really started a movement in the bay area and we appreciate you being here today to see this very special film. as the united states attorney here i meet with community groups and leaders all over the bay area, all over northern california, as i said from the oregon border to monterey. certainly with in the wake of the shootings in wisconsin. i meet with arab museum people and lgbt organizations and we talk about all kinds of issues. we talk about fraud. we talk about identity theft. we talk about hate-crimes. we talk about civil rights issues. but the one thing that absolutely everybody talks about, the one thing that they care the most about, the one thing that seems to cause the most worry and the most concern and the most pain for everybody, anybody, in northern california and in the bay area
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is the issue of bullying. it's a heartbreaking thing. levels of bullying in our community, children doing it to other children is just all too common. it's completely heartbreaking. it's heartbreaking to children. it's heartbreaking to their parents and their families and it's heartbreaking to their teachers. it's heartbreaking to everybody. it's the one thing that has come up in almost every conversation i have had with people and that is what leds us here today to spread the word to spread the message and to bring people on board with anti-bullying. and that is what you are part of here today. so we really do appreciate you coming. what we're starting here today, as richard said, is with a screening of a documentary film called "bully." by the director lee hirsch, who is here with us today of we're very, very grateful. yes, absolutely. [ applause ]
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urban you are going to be hearing from mr. hirsh after the film and couldn't be more grateful for him bringing voice to this issue. we really appreciate it and again, a round of applause for mr. hirsch and what he has done. [ applause ] as richard said it's fun to be out of school and i have two children in the bay area and i know how they would react being out of school. this film is very powerful, but it's very important and has an unbelievably important message. after the film, there is going to be a brief discussion with abc news anchor cheryl jennings, when i'm sure you
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recognize from television. [ applause ] with mr. hirsch and commander from the san francisco police department and your own superintendent of schools, richard carranza. and now i would like to welcome the mayor of city and county of san francisco. [ applause ] our very popular mayor of the city and county of san francisco, ed lee. [ applause ] absolutely as you know mayor lee has dedicated his entire professional life to public service and civil rights. before serving as our mayor he had important roles in city of government and served as the executive director of the san francisco human rights commission and he worked as an attorney for the asian law caucasus which is a very important organization in the
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bay area. throughout his career, his entire career, mayor lee has demonstrated an unwaivering commitment to the people of this great city and to our community. and he honors us with his presence here today. ladies and gentlemen, mayor ed lee. [ applause ] >> hello everybody ! >> hello. ?2
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all right. well, let me start out by saying we're here in herbs theater. you have to know this is a special place. this is an historic landmark events place in san francisco. in 1945 the united nations charter was signed right here where you are sitting. it's the site where mayors like myself and others have addressed the annual state of the city address and it's a landmark place and that is why we choose to be here today with you. because we're making a big landmark to be antibullying across the country and we're launching it right here in san francisco with all of you. that is how important this is. and it's important also that the city family come together. we have quite a number of great
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starts stars that i have been very fortunate to work us. our police department, our fire department and theresa sparks our director of human rights commission is here. ed harrington our public utilities commissioner manager and our tax collector, jose who has been helping us set up bank accounts for all of our elementary kids as they join here, so financial literacy can be part of your great success. i have got the medical examiner, dr. hart is here. i have got adrian pond, who helps me direct all the immigrant programs and civic engagement is here to join us. i have my own educational advisor who works with me.
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and maria, who helps me coordinate and design all of the youth programs. us. i know i am probably going to miss a few, but i wanted to name as many as i could remember to let you know the whole city family is with you today. look, you know, bullying, 13 million kids across this country reported being a victim and being harassed in this country. 13 million kids, your age, younger than you as well. you know, there were 3 million kids across this country that left school, that decided they are not go going back because they didn't know how to figure out how to not become a victim. they couldn't seek help. this crisis happening across this country has to